Friday, May 25, 2012

And so it begins...

Michael has taken me to Santa Barbara and the reality of what I'm about to do has hit me. I feel like a small leaf caught in a vast torrent. He has left me here, alone in this place. A place that has always seemed familiar, but now seems immensely foreign and even a bit foreboding. This is a type of stress I've never had to process before.

I've come to distinct possibility that I may have to sleep out on the street tonight. It's a prospect that I've considered since I began this course, but now thinking about it, I don't know what to expect. Nor do I know what to expect when it comes to actually hitching. I guess all I can do is stick out my thumb and see where the world decides to sweep me off to next.

My filming is coming along as well, although I find it unnatural to film myself while I do things. It'll take some getting used to, for sure. But hopefully it comes out as interesting and *hopefully* as funny as I think it will be.

The sun's beginning to set, and I know I have to prepare myself for tonight. It's hard to ride this intense wave of emotions that keep surging inside me. I find myself choking on the intense feelings of fear, excitement and sense of not knowing what's next. Our lives at home seem so ordained compare to this... and it's barely even begun.

My next step, aside from finding a nice place to catch some sleep tonight, is to decide how next to proceed. Do I try hitching before it grows too dark? Or do I call it a day and begin fresh tomorrow? Well I guess we'll see what happens. In the mean time, I'll be taking advantage of Starbucks and their free wi-fi to stay in touch and keep this going, as well as gather more info for my travel.

I'll try to keep you tuned to what I'm doing.

Here goes nothing, I guess.

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